Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Value of Photos for Those Suffering From Dementia

Recently the BBC wrote a story about dementia and how those who suffer from memory loss are being helped by viewing old photographs.

Martina Kane, author of the article and member of a British Alzheimer's association, stated that photographs can have an impact on a person's memories and emotions. She states, "{Many} deep-seated memories have a lot of emotion attached to them." She goes on to say that by tapping into a person's feelings of the past, you can draw out positive emotions from those memories.

She goes on to say that photographs are especially helpful for those who suffer from dementia because if you have dementia it is easier to recall past memories than it is to recall current memories. However, research has shown that photographs are one effective way the mind can be stimulated. In addition, music can also stimulate pleasant memories.

To be clear, this article states a theory that most of us have known for a long time. Other ways to stimulate the mind of a dementia patient are:
  • A tune heard from a beloved radio program
  • The aroma of a favorite food
  • A photograph of a cherished life event such as graduation or a wedding
  • Or, watching an old TV program

Most importantly, we can all learn a lesson from this article and remember the benefits and positive feelings we have when we recall positive and uplifting memories. Keep in mind that even the smallest or trivial things that we hear and see every day, can bring to mind memories that stimulate not only the mind but the body---emotionally and spiritually. It gives one pause, doesn't it, on how powerful and effective memories are?!    

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