Friday, December 19, 2014

Questions to Ask When Searching for In-home Care

There are certain questions that need to be asked if you are considering care for you or a loved one. It may be difficult to know where to begin; some people find it difficult to even think about this topic. Below are some questions that might help when you are talking with representatives about this kind of service. The answers to these questions may help you focus on which care provider will be the best fit for you and your family members.

Here are a few questions that may help:
  • What kind of licenses do you have?
  • Are your caregivers insured and experienced?
  • What is your screening and hiring process for caregivers?
  • What is your process when overseeing your caregivers?
  • Is there a contract for services rendered?
  • Do you have a minimum number of service hours required?
  • Do you provide 24 hour care?
  • How flexible are you when it comes to scheduling care for my loved one?
  • What are your rates for weekends and after business hours?
  • What is your policy if my caregiver doesn't show up or is late?
  • What are your fees?
  • Are there follow-ups on how care is dispensed?
  • How involved are you in the beginning stages of in-home care for me or my loved one?
  • Describe the services you offer
  • If I have a complaint or question, who can I turn to for help?

If you need more background information on home care before you begin your search for these services, check out these two minute tips.

In-home care can make a big difference when you or a loved one needs extra care or when personal care for those you love becomes too much of a responsibility. Always check out what senior care services an agency offers so that you have an idea of the services that they offer before you go for a visit. 

Travel Tips for Seniors with Dementia

Older couples who enjoy going on trips together face unique challenges when one of the partners develops dementia. Traveling is easier and still possible for a senior who is in the early stages of dementia, according to the Alzheimer's Association.  Planning ahead is crucial for the senior's safe and comfortable travel experience.

Plan and Prepare Ahead 

Be well-prepared when traveling with a senior with dementia. Keep a bag of essentials with you at all times.  You should pack all the senior's medications, a copy of your travel itinerary, a bottle of water, some snacks, activities the senior enjoys (books, puzzles) and a change of comfortable clothes in this bag. Include the senior's medical information with a list of the person's emergency contacts.  Put in copies of key documents such as the birth certificate, passport and medical power of attorney.

Write a detailed travel itinerary with information on each destination you will reach and leave a copy with each emergency contact. As his/her caregiver, carry a copy with you at all times as well. When staying at a hotel, contact the staff before arrival to tell them about your loved one’s special needs so they will be ready to assist both of you.  Seniors with dementia develop a time of day when they function best. Travel during this time frame so the senior is rested and relaxed.

Safe Travel Tips

Other tips for making travel safer include:
• Always allow extra time; don't plan too many activities daily.
• Fly at times when airlines are less busy; fly direct. Sit near restrooms.
• Let the airline/flight attendants know about any special needs. 
• Try short car trips before attempting a long one to trouble shoot for potential problems. 
• Follow the senior's usual routine as much as possible.
• Put identification on the senior, including your cell phone number. 
• Take the senior's photo daily with your cell phone for identification purposes.

When It Is Time to Stay Home

Gradually a senior's dementia progresses and the person will become agitated/ anxious around newcomers and in new environments.  Changes which indicate travel is no longer a safe option for a senior include:
  • Great difficulty walking and risk of falling
  • Tendency to wander off
  • Problems with continence and needing assistance with toileting, bathing, dressing, eating
  • Becomes physically and/or verbally abusive
  • Serious health issues requiring medical consent to travel
When preparing to travel, your Alzheimer's caregiver can provide an extra hand getting your loved one packed and ready for the trip. When travel is no longer possible, non-medical home care workers can stir the emotional memories that linger longer than factual ones by showing the senior photos of previous trips.

Driver Safety Programs and Seniors

Losing the ability to drive is often a big blow to the independence of seniors. One of the most time-consuming tasks caregivers perform is driving their elderly loved one to medical appointments, the grocery store, pharmacy, and so forth.  Often, seniors are restricted by a doctor's orders due to surgery or illness, and may be unable to get behind a steering wheel for a while. Once those privileges are restored, a defensive driving safety course helps them brush up on their driving skills and gives them the confidence to drive again safely.

There are some very good reasons for seniors to enroll in driver safety courses.  Statistics show that drivers approaching 80 years of age have basically the same number of car accidents resulting in injuries as young adults under the age of 25, according to AAA.  A driving refresher course is an excellent opportunity for seniors to catch up on skills and rules that may have been forgotten. Consequently, there are a variety of safety courses dedicated to assisting seniors to learn much needed defensive driving skills.

Advantages of Driving Courses for Seniors

Enrolling seniors in a driver safety program offers multiple advantages. One is peace of mind. These courses are provided by certified agencies and provide the elderly with improved driving skills.  Another is the reduction in auto insurance premiums the participant receives upon completion of the course.  Still another is the renewal of driving confidence for a senior who has been off the road for a while.
The AARP Smart Driver Course is designed to improve and/or enhance seniors' driving skills in specific areas experts have identified as key problems for the elderly:
  • Running through red lights
  • Maneuvering through traffic roundabouts
  • General safety: wearing seat belts, using turn signals, refraining from speeding

Toyota provided a generous 12.6 million dollar grant to AARP for the development of this important program.

The Road Wise driver safety course offered for several decades by AAA has been extremely beneficial in reducing the number of deaths from car accidents involving elderly drivers.  Most safe driving courses are available in a community classroom or online in a virtual classroom. If you or your senior loved one is unsure about how to find a course, local senior care providers may have this information handy. If you or your senior benefits from home care services, your caregiver may know where to locate safe driving classes as well. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Value of Photos for Those Suffering From Dementia

Recently the BBC wrote a story about dementia and how those who suffer from memory loss are being helped by viewing old photographs.

Martina Kane, author of the article and member of a British Alzheimer's association, stated that photographs can have an impact on a person's memories and emotions. She states, "{Many} deep-seated memories have a lot of emotion attached to them." She goes on to say that by tapping into a person's feelings of the past, you can draw out positive emotions from those memories.

She goes on to say that photographs are especially helpful for those who suffer from dementia because if you have dementia it is easier to recall past memories than it is to recall current memories. However, research has shown that photographs are one effective way the mind can be stimulated. In addition, music can also stimulate pleasant memories.

To be clear, this article states a theory that most of us have known for a long time. Other ways to stimulate the mind of a dementia patient are:
  • A tune heard from a beloved radio program
  • The aroma of a favorite food
  • A photograph of a cherished life event such as graduation or a wedding
  • Or, watching an old TV program

Most importantly, we can all learn a lesson from this article and remember the benefits and positive feelings we have when we recall positive and uplifting memories. Keep in mind that even the smallest or trivial things that we hear and see every day, can bring to mind memories that stimulate not only the mind but the body---emotionally and spiritually. It gives one pause, doesn't it, on how powerful and effective memories are?!    

If you are in need of non-medical home care, contact Always Best Care and find out more about the home care services that Always Best Care offers. We offer seniors and others in our community, quality in-home care from passionate and caring caregivers. Contact us today and find out more on how we can help your loved one get the compassionate care they need. They deserve and need the kind of senior care we can provide for them.

How Volunteering Helps Seniors with Hypertension

Seniors in the United States belong to the portion of the population that has the highest prevalence for high blood pressure, a health condition known as hypertension. This dangerous cardiovascular condition causes the heart to work harder than it should and over time, the high force can damage the kidneys, brains, heart, eyes and other organs in the body. While many individuals rely on their family physician to prescribe medications that will control their blood pressure, studies indicate that one effective way for seniors to control this disorder is by volunteering to help others.

A report appearing in a journal published by the American Psychological Association revealed results from a Carnegie Mellon University study. University researchers found that adults who spent a minimum of 200 hours a year volunteering could lower their risk of developing hypertension by as much as 40%. Individuals can reap the benefits of volunteerism regardless of whether they are tutoring students, serving food at a homeless shelter, walking dogs at an animal shelter or participating in some other activity that is beneficial to others.

Further research is necessary to identify the precise psychological and biological mechanisms affected by volunteering. One theory is that participating in volunteer activities may produce neurohormonal changes that have a positive influence on the cardiovascular system. In addition to improved physical health, seniors experience psychological benefits from volunteering their time to help other people. The opportunity for social interaction allows them to stay engaged and form meaningful relationships.

Interacting with others socially boosts self-esteem and improves overall quality of life. Seniors who live alone are at risk of leading a sedentary lifestyle that can contribute to a variety of health problems. Having a reason to leave the house and participate in a physical activity allows the elderly to maintain a sense of independence, which helps improve self-image. In general, doing something for others promotes a sense of well-being that relieves stress.

Individuals providing home care can assist seniors by reviewing the many local opportunities for volunteering and helping them choose an appropriate activity. Individuals charged with elderly care can also help by providing transportation when necessary.